Special Events!
Looking for ideas of an environmental/ animal rights themed event to put on in your community? Well you are in the right place! These events are fun yet educational as well! The events below come with links to a packet on how to put on the event and what you will need to make it happen!
If you end up putting the event on let us know by tagging @activistattitude on social media.
Sustainable Fashion Show
Fashion Show that will bring to light how detrimental the fashion industry is and how we as individuals can acquire a more sustainable lifestyle.
If you are looking to put on a fun yet educational event to raise awareness about the fashion industry, this is the event for you!
I have included a pdf document with the breakdown of the event and what you will need! Feel free to add your own personal touches to the event as well!
Download the free guide here!
Example Flyer

Fright For Future
Bringing scary issues such as climate change and animal rights to light this Halloween!
If you are looking to put on a fun yet educational event to raise awareness on climate change and animal rights issues, this is the event for you!
I have included a pdf document with the breakdown of the event and what you will need! Feel free to add your own flair to the event!
Download the free guide here!
Example Flyer